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"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite."
~ William Blake


The Ancient Sanskrit Blessing

Namaste translates as "I bow to the divine in you."

Namaste is the Divine spark in one person recognizing the divine spark in another

The life in me sees and honors the life in you

This is an especially deep expression of respect

Namaste recognizes the duality that exists in this world and suggests an effort to bring these two aspects back together

This will ultimately lead towards unity and non-dual state of Oneness

It recognizes the equality of all and pays honor to the sacredness of all

The whole action of Namaste unfolds itself on four levels: spiritual, physical, mental, and verbal.

I honor the place in you where Spirit lives:  the Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you

I greet that place where you and I, we are One

I honor the place in you which is of Love and I receive the free spirit in you

I salute the place in you which is of Truth, May the life within you be strong

I receive the place in you which is of Light

Within each of us is a place where peace dwells.  I recognize the place in you which is of Peace

I recognize that we are all equal

I acknowledge that everyone is valuable in their own way and capable of expanding my horizons

When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, then we are ONE

We are able to recognize the goodness of others

We can perceive the unique thread that connect us all with the Universe, and all its Beings
as well as to the source of that interconnection

We are receptive to knowledge that comes to us in the form of example, advice, and direct teaching

When we assume that everyone we meet is special and unique,
We awake to the wisdom that opens our eyes to new worlds of possibility

We should show all people the same generous level of understanding, kindness, care, and compassion

Without any thought of self-interest beyond paying respect wholeheartedly

See Also

The way we live our daily lives has an enormous impact on those around us

Instead of clinging to what separates us, practicing Namaste enables us to feel less alone in the world

We begin to understand that we must treat all people for what they are: family

As we gain consciousness of the more subtle aspects of our being,
We reweave ourselves with the light body

We are One with All That Is whether we realize it or not

May all beings find and hold happiness.
May they all be free from suffering and sickness.
May we look and see all others reflecting back

There is only One Earth.  There is only One Humanity

May we all be One, One family, One

Music 1:  Marcomé, Dawn's Spirit
Music 2:  Marcomé, Breathe

Images:  Google/Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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