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Activating Your Soul Star

Activating Your Soul Star


Animatech™ 101

Horus_Soul-StarThe Soul Star Chakra, located at approximately six inches above the head, as an etheric star of Light that hovers over every person's head.  It is the first of the Transpersonal Chakras and an important doorway for working with direct energies from the Spirit.

The brightness of this star very much depends on the Soul’s evolution of the Soul Extension on earth. The Soul Star is not the Soul, but rather an instrument through which the Soul does its work. The Soul Star is an extension of the Soul. It is the Soul Star that becomes activated upon doing the Soul Mantra.

Humanity Healing is sharing a Free eBook to teach a simple method for Activation of the Soul Star. Conscious Activation is required before more advanced techniques, such as the Triangulation Method, or using the Soul Star in the Healing of others can be mastered.

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Animatech 101 - Activation of the Soul Star

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