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Ancient Solar Blessing

Ancient Solar Blessing

The Long Time Sun Blessing

May the Long time Sun
Shine Upon you,
All Love surrounds you,
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on.

The Long Time Sun is at the same time a Blessing and powerful Solar Attunement. Its influential words have been repeated by many especially after some type of spiritual practice, meditative prayer and purification. It has in itself an ancestral harmonic command that is capable of readjusting all the energy centers of a human body to an original state of synchronization.

It is well known that, when you have your entire energetic center adjusted, the original aura of protection inside and around your body is optimized. You will feel and be healthier and energetically protected.

To receive the Long Time Sun as a Blessing, accept it with the same spirit of someone that just received a compliment, a warm hug and recognition of a job well done. It is a reassurance that you are well loved and cared for, and that you are the expression of the loving creation of the one true Source; whatever name you may call the divine Source of All.

We would recommend some meditative practices to receive this Blessing:

  1. Calm your mind
  2. Try to diminish if not eliminate all the intrusive thoughts in your mind.
  3. Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing. We recommend the 4 X 4 breathing method.  It means to inhale for 4 seconds, hold in the air for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and hold for 4 seconds. Do these until you feel all your body is relaxed and receptive.
  4. With your mind’s eye, allow the image of the Long Time Sun to permeate your mind. Try to enhance this experience, feeling the warmth, the goodness and the unconditional love that comes from this image. Imagine the Long time Sun blessing you with all that is right from your heart, not from what you may think you need to be happy, but what are the real choices from your soul.

When using the Long Time Sun as a blessing, train yourself to say it from your heart. This is an ancient practice: singing from your heart may be compared to the act of repeating a prayer, blessing, or benediction from the most sincere and pure part of the temple of your heart. Never under estimate the value of your heart.  It is not a stupid organ and it is wiser than your rational mind, because it perceives the truth that emanates straight from the Soul’s reality. When singing from your heart and blessing someone, first imagine the person being blessed with all the goodness of nature, sun shining days, peaceful breathing, kindness hands to greet them on all the open paths they trail, etc. Imagine the Solar aura surrounding and protecting them from any harm. This also is an ancient blessing that emanates from your higher self to all that surrounds you. Use the rhythm of your breath to send forth the loving energy of this blessing.

Attunement eBook

An eBook with Attunement Procedure is available to Members and can be found in the Online Resource Center.

Video Information

©2010 Humanity Healing.  Partial Rights Reserved.

Music: Snatan Kaur, "Long Time Sun"

Kind Courtesy of

See Also
Declaration of Interdependency

Narration:  Kelly Anne Tearney
Kind Courtesy of

Images:  Google/Photobucket

We Honor the Unknown Artists


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