Healer Code of Ethics

Healer Code of Ethics
A Healer Code of Ethics is a necessary element on performing Healing, mainly when we deal with alternative healing and energy healing modalities.
Healer Code of Ethics Purpose
Humanity Healing believes that the following fundamental professional principles to hold for all healers regardless of modality practiced, and should be upheld at all times:
That all healing modalities have at their core the belief that all life is sacred and that it must be nurtured on every level for the betterment of humankind.
That all healers will honor other healing paths and modalities, the different spiritual inclinations, other viewpoints as regards the healing professions as sacred.
All Healers must not enter will at all times work with respect, honesty, integrity, impartiality, and confidentiality with each client that comes under their care.
Above all, that they should conduct themselves in a non-judgmental fashion as regards all aspects of patient care.
All professional relationships must be of the highest ethical and moral order and be non-exploitative. All healers must maintain appropriate boundaries for self and client.
All Healers must not enter into inappropriate relationships with clients.
All Healers must not take physical, emotional, sexual, psychological or financial advantage.
The highest standards of practice must be observed at all times.
Healer Code of Ethics Code of Practice:
Humanity Healing expects all healers, regardless of modality practiced, to abide by the following Healer Code of Ethics:
That all practitioners should have insurance (including public indemnity where necessary. In order to practice according to the legal requirements in force in their respective countries.
You must make it clear to clients that you practice a supplementary or complementary therapy. It is not a replacement for treatment by a doctor or other licensed healthcare professional.
Where possible, offer printed information for clients that outlines the boundaries of your practice:
Provide necessary information on your method of application.
Give details of client record keeping,
The number of consultations needed and the fees required
You must make sure that your client has seen a licensed medical practitioner. Maybe other healthcare professionals for the condition for which they are seeking your services. If they have not done so, you should encourage them to do so.
You must never claim to offer a ‘cure’ for any condition.
You must not diagnose a condition or illness unless entitled to do so, under the applicable laws in the country of practice.
If you are mixing modalities, you should make this clear to the client at the outset.
You must not discuss any information either imparted to you by the client or gathered by you during the treatment or session to any third party unless You are required to do so by the law (e.g., where the client had indicated feelings of a suicidal nature).
If a client asks for advice on an operation or medical procedure or other medical intervention, a healer must abstain from advice in any manner. The patient must make their own decisions in consultation with registered or licensed healthcare professionals.
10. If physical contact is involved, this must be explained and approved by the client before the session.
11. Healers should not tell the client to disrobe unless they are also a legally licensed massage therapist in the country in which they practice, or depending on the applicable laws in force in the country of practice are required to do so under the professional remit of their particular healing modality. If disrobing is necessary, a full explanation and signed a consent form is required for each client.
12. A healer should never touch the genital area or breasts. These areas should be treated only with hands-off techniques.
13. The Children and those considered under the age of consent according to the legal definition in the country of practice) should not be treated unless with the written and signed permission of the Parent/Guardian. The Parent/Guardian should be present when the child is treated.
14. A healer should not give massage or manipulation unless qualified and licensed to do so.
15. Healers should not sell herbs or drugs unless professionally qualified. Healers should not recommend nutritional supplements without appropriate knowledge and professional license to do so. Refer to the laws in force in the country of practice.
16. Healers associated with the development or promotion of products should disclose any vested interest and ensure that such products are to approved factually and professionally.
17. Healers should co-operate with and respect those who also have a professional and personal interest in the welfare of the client. It should include other therapist, counselors, medical professionals, caregivers, spiritual or religious counselors, and the client’s immediate family.
18. Healers should keep the right to refuse or postpone treatment at any time. If it such treatment is, according to the professional judgment of the practitioner, inappropriate for whatever reason:
18.a. If the client is under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
18.b. Because they are acting in a threatening or otherwise improper manner.
Precise reasons for such a decision should specify to the client as soon as possible.
Some General Rules of Conduct: Healer Code of Ethics
Maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness at all times. Be aware of the comfort requirements of your client as well as their healing needs. Practice what you preach. Clients may have an allergic reaction to cologne, heavy perfumes, incense or the smell of cigarette smoke. Refrain from their use.
Keep your premises in good professional order. Ensure that all equipment and access/exit points are safe and abide by the relevant health and safety laws of the country in which you practice.
The place where your sessions or treatments are to take place should be supportive and empowering.
If you are to work with a client of the opposite sex be mindful of the sensitivities of the client. Suggest that it would be appropriate for them to bring along a friend or relative to the healing session or treatment.
Refrain from bringing your emotional states into the relationship with your client. Stay positive, optimistic, empathic and supportive and, uplift in the client’s mental outlook.
Maintain accurate records at all times and store them in a safe and secure place. Files should only be made available to the client for whom they are concerned or other healthcare workers. The exception is members of the legal profession if required to do so under the laws applicable in the country of practice.
You should engage in continuous professional development and work on your healing.
Ethics should be as a necessary part of your commitment to your healing modality. Thus part to your professional capabilities when working with clients.
Copyright for Healer Code of Ethics The Humanity Healing Network © 14 Jan 2008-2019
Permission to use the Healer Code of Ethics granted with proper credit given.