Ageless Wisdom for a Modern World |
Namaste! |
We are not sure where spring went this year, but Summer "officially" starts this Friday with the Summer Solstice. As we do every solstice, we are working with the energies to attune individuals to the Axis Coeli. To learn more, click the link in the section below. We hope you will join us.
On the esoteric planes, the Tribunal of Justice and the Karmic Balance will meet on 30 June (our time) This happens three times a year. Our Attunement of the Month for June 2013 will be on this date and will deal with Karmic Balancing. We will send out exercises and more details, as well as the sign-up link, in our next newsletter.
Much Metta, Liane and Christopher Humanity Healing University |
The Recapitulation Exercise |
Recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving and healing your energy. The theory of recapitulation is simple. Every interaction you have had with other people in your life has tied up personal energy. Each memory you have requires energy to keep it alive and maintain the emotions you have about the encounter. Over the course of a lifetime you invest enormous amounts of energy in these things and they drain you, make you miserable, and create behavior in the present predicated on the energies of the past.
Shamans see the recapitulation as a natural means of dealing with traumatic experiences: stalk the memory, take back your energy, letting it become just a memory, with no life and no power to invoke a response from the present.
Recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving and healing your energy. The theory of recapitulation is simple. Every interaction you have had with other people in your life has tied up personal energy. Each memory you have requires energy to keep it alive and maintain the emotions you have about the encounter. Over the course of a lifetime you invest enormous amounts of energy in these things and they drain you, make you miserable, and create behavior in the present predicated on the energies of the past.
Shamans see the recapitulation as a natural means of dealing with traumatic experiences: stalk the memory, take back your energy, letting it become just a memory, with no life and no power to invoke a response from the present.
Please firstlog in and then click the button below |
Working with Animal Chakras |
In animals, the energy field is usually wider. This condition is due to its natural survival instinct and they tend to absorb much more sensory information than humans. They receive and distribute energy through the chakras individually, which makes them sensitive to subtle vibrations and atmospheric changes. |
The Use of Floral Medicine for Emotional Healing |
The disease is not a material thing, but energy, and the drama of any disease tends to unfold itself inside of our energy field. Therapeutic healing actions are usually designed to influence the energy field, relieving the emotional body of the debris created by our daily lives which we are usually unable to rid of any other way. |
Detox Bath Basic Recipe |
This Detox Bath basic recipe is advisable for those are doing independent transformational internal work. |
Axis Coeli on the Summer Solstice |
Humanity Healing offers the Axis Coeli Attunement only twice each year on the solstices. This year's Summer Solstice is 21 June 2013. To watch the video and learn more, click the View Button. To participate with the Attunement, click the Buy Button below. This will direct you to the Member Discount page. The cost for University Members is $22.22 and for non-University particpants, the cost is $44.44. Membership, by the way, is only $10 per month. |
Upcoming Events |
21 June - The Axis Coeli Attunement 21 June - Summer Solstice 30 June - Karmic Counsel 30 June - Attunement of the Month - Karmic Balancing 5 July - 29 July - Stellar Code Polaris |
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