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The Huna Prayer for Lightworkers

The Huna Prayer for Lightworkers

The Huna Prayer for Lightworkers

Huna Prayer from Djwhal Khul for Personal and Collective Abundance(from the writings of Alice Bailey)

The following is a Huna prayer channeled from Djwhal Khul for the manifestation of abundance for the Lightworkers on the planet.

It is quite powerful and we suggest you share it with the spiritual communities you are involved in as well as using it for yourself. It was suggested by Djwhal that you say this prayer once a day for thirty days to clear blocks and manifest your divine inheritance of full abundance on all levels so you can do the service work you came here to do.

Beloved Presence of God:

We hereby ask and humbly pray with all our hearts and souls and minds and might for divine abundance made manifest through personal fortune and success.

We are willing to move beyond fear in order to fulfill God's Plan on Earth and beyond.
I personally pledge to open myself to financial wealth in order to fulfill my group and individual service commitments.
In God's name we accept our divine heritage right now, and thank Thee for the timely answer to this prayer. God's will be done!!

See Also

Repeat aloud three times.

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