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The Internal Observer

The Internal Observer

The Internal Observer

"The universe as we know it is a joint product of the observer and the observed"
~ Teilhard de Chardin

The Internal Observer is a powerful tool for self-improvement and personal development. The Internal Observer is an aspect of the Self, the part of the psyche capable of self-observation, evaluation and reasoning. During our journey through life, we face different situations that are both challenges and learning experiences. Many times our paths seem to reach a crossroads. At these moments, the only resource to be accessed comes straight from the Light and the knowledge of ones own soul.

Through developing and installing an Internal Observer we widen our personal ability to be self-reflective and therefore enabling ourselves to be more aware of our environment, interactions and relationships.

The Humanity Healing Network is offering series of eBooks and classes to help you achieve Self-Mastery in your life. The Internal Observer is one of the tools you will learn.

"The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world."
~ Deepak Chopra

eBook Information

The eBook, Attitudinal Tools: The Internal Observer is part of the Self-Mastery Program and is available to Members only.  To join, visit Membership Signup.

Video Information

©2008 Humanity Healing. Partial Rights Reserved

See Also

Music: Enya, "Aldeharan", New Age Collection 2002

Images:  Google/Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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Ageless Wisdom

Humanity Healing Network is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. It was created to be an Educational Platform for Spiritual, Conscious, Sentient, Artistic & Creative Projects.


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