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The Twin Flame Blessing

The Twin Flame Blessing

The Twin Flame Blessing

Many of you have recently seen Venus and Mars together in the night sky.  This occurs every 2 ½ years or so and is known to be a time for creating or opening paths for new relationships as well as strengthening existing ones.  Venus and Mars represent the anima (the female part of the male soul) and animus (the male part of the female soul).

What is much more rare is for Venus and Mars to be together in aspectation while the full moon is in Gemini – the sign of the Twins.  This is the time when they represent male and female in their truest and most Divine forms – the Yin and the Yang.  The Moon represents our innermost needs while Gemini represents the joining of two parts.  This astral event is when the spiritual separation between Twin Flames is at its thinnest.

It is very rare for Twin Flames to meet during the same incarnation, but it does happen.  This is a sign that the split Soul is in its last incarnation and is to perform its ultimate selfless Service.  What is much more likely is that at this time, your Twin Flame can send their Blessing to your current relationship or guide you to one that can fulfill you during this life.  In this way, your Twin Flame can be a part of, and enrich, your current life.

The number 12 is significant for many reasons (please see  The date 12:12 represents a gate of ascension, or our journey to completeness.

This year, on 12:12, Venus and Mars will be in a close Sextile Aspectation, which corresponds to the sixth harmonic.  This will give a great boost to energy and enthusiasm AND the full moon will be in Gemini, the Cosmic Twins.

There will be tremendous energy that can be directed to incorporate your Twin Flame into your life on a spiritual, emotional and possibly physical level. If you and your Twin are not incarnate together at this time, it will strengthen the bridge between your Souls and allow your Twin’s energy to manifest in your life.  If you and Twin Flame are both incarnate at this time (which IS very rare), this will be a beacon for your Souls to come together.

See Also

The 12:12 Meditation that Humanity Healing will sponsor this year will be for the Twin Flame Blessing.

For more information on how you can participate in the 12:12 Meditation – The Twin Flame Blessing, we have opened a Group within our Social Network with the details.  Participation will be limited and on a first come basis.

Music: Daniel Kobialka, The Lass of Glenshee
First Picture: Richard Becker, Soulmates

Picture of linked rings: Ian V. Henderson

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