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Generosity of Spirit

Generosity of Spirit

Generosity of Spirit

Generosity of SpiritGenerosity of Spirit

"The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give."
~Walt Whitman

Generosity is a Virtue of the Spirit. It is both giving and receiving. It is the act of giving freely because you desire to and not with the idea of receiving a reward or gift in return. Generosity is being aware that there is bounty and plenty for everyone.

eBook Information

The eBook, Attitudinal Tools: Generosity is part of the Self-Mastery Program and is available to Members only.  To join, visit Membership Signup.

Video Information

© Humanity Healing 2008. All Rights Reserved.

Music: First Autumn Haiku Instrumental by Enya

See Also

Images:  Google/Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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