House of Peace

House of Peace
Peace is said By tradition to be a fruit of the Spirit, and like a flower, it blooms from mature souls, especially those that have cultivated the soil of their hearts. Many seeds may flower in one's heart's garden before it can sustain the fruits of peace in his personal life. This house's objective is to give a voice of many projects that may help facilitate Tolerance, Understanding, Forgiveness and Compassionate actions towards each other and towards our planet.
Our Idea is to hold a space of for loving kindness to be practiced on the daily basis by our companions during this soul traveling experience which is to be alive on Planet Earth at this moment. We understand that is not easy to provide a neutral space for dialogue due to the diversity of our cultural manifestation, and many times our set of beliefs. But we believe on common ground, on values such as coexistence, and in being ecumenic, not only to accommodate divergencies but to celebrate our diversity.
It seems really silly to try to restrict the human expressions to a set of religious beliefs, or cultural standards. The Universe is not monolithic, and neither is a Human Being. We believe we were made at as Image of God, and that means some of us, it means all of us.
This House focuses on Collective and Collaborative Efforts for Global harmonization. Being Pro-Peace is not the same as being Anti-War. We support positive efforts to promote a common ground to all humanity while understanding that it is only through the Healing brought about with the other "Houses" that we can achieve it.
“I BELIEVE that while governments make treaties, individuals make Peace.”
~ Christopher Buck
Peace starts with each making a Personal Commitment.