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Ancestral Alignment – Reorganizing the Dharmic Lineage

Ancestral Alignment – Reorganizing the Dharmic Lineage


Ancestral Alignment – Reorganizing the Dharmic Lineage

Ancestral Healing, Part 5

During the process of the clearing of our energetic template and re-activation of its full potentiality, we find ourselves dealing with elements and events that were not necessarily created in our lifetime.  We may also feel that we are not receiving the benefit from the consequence of our actions. We can feel the effects of something: a strange handhold upon our dealings in life that can sometimes feel overwhelming and devastating.

The connection with our past and with the ones that came before us is supposed to help us find the wisdom and strength to pave our future enlightened path, not to be an obstacle to our liberation from the wheel of Samsara. Each and every soul created by the Divine Mind has a value and serves a purpose inside of the Divine plan. Every human soul that received the Blessing of the Living Breath is deemed a jewel or star in the crown of the highest. Nothing is every wasted or lost in the Cosmic Plan.

Whether you accept it or not, we are the biological collective result of thousands of people that lived, learned, taught, created, and dreamed. They collectively created our physical reality through their errors, successes and learning processes. It is an imminent fact that the actions of our past generations inevitably influence and impact the present one.

As a consequence of this timeless connection, the cells of our bodies contain the echoes of our ancestral family memories and they are significant factors that determine the way we perceive and deal with our reality.

Realigning our ancestral process is a necessary reorganization that will allow the release of energetic blockages in one’s life and the life of one’s children and descendants. It is an intense and deep process of multidimensional forgiveness that encompasses a realm beyond time, space, dimensions and frequencies. It is an act of reverence, honor, and acceptance, which will release the old paradigm, heal ancient wounds and clear the phantom pains imprinted in our memory cells and our pain bodies.

There are numerous dimensional worlds around and inside of us[1].  Our ancestral realm is just one of the many.

The comprehension of our Dharmic Line, through the scope of our ancestral perspective, supports us in the understanding of the experiences and values we inherited.  Once harmonized coherently, it reveals to us the beauty, the reverence for the sacred, the acceptance of diverse lessons learned and amplifies our personal sense of belonging; which greatly diminishes the pain of the Original Wound[2].

There is a profound beauty in the understanding of the life experiences of our ancestors, as necklaces of souls that projected during their existences the plenitude of their love, their intentions, and their hope. The rescue and assimilation of the positive aspects of those values will enrich our life experiences, release stagnated blockages and deepen our understanding of our life purpose, as we grow to fully reintegrate the many dimensions of our Being and fully realize our new levels of consciousness.

To realign, re-organize and honor our ancestry line is to activate the stellar-jewel energy of the constellation of our Dharmic Line, receiving the lessons and the blessings acquired by our lineage, and to bring it to a new level of awakening and integration with the Self.

For more information about Ancestral Healing, visit:  Articles in Ancestral Healing

Free eBook

For those who would like to download a copy of some Ancestral Healing Prayers, please register and then click here:  Ancestral Healing Prayers

Ancestral Healing Program

To learn more about, or participate in, the Ancestral Healing Program, click:  Ancestral Healing Program

See Also
White Tara Meditation

Video Information

©2010 Humanity Healing.  Partial Rights Reserved.

Music:  Soulwire, Wishless Star
With Kind Courtesy:

Images:  Google/Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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[1] Theosophy teaches that there is not one inch of emptiness in the universe because the Divine Cosmic Mind abhors vacuum; wherever there is lack, the Cosmic Mind will fill it with plenitude.

[2] The Original Ancestral Wound was created from the separation from God.

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