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Twin Souls: When Love Incarnates

Twin Souls: When Love Incarnates

The longing for our perfect mate is a need engraved in our DNA.

We harbor a desire for restoration and unity, and search for the piece that is always missing. In our journey through life, the search continues for something that can't be readily found.

It is a quest for wholeness. We search for ourselves in others in a quest for healing and integration, in the constant pursuit of the final point of balance: the Zero Point where our Matter meets our Higher Self or Soul, where matter meets anti-matter. The Point or center of gravity from where we can again be just ONE. One Note inserted once again into the Symphony of Creation.

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In the beginning, the Twins were created in God, the Alpha and the Omega. In an ovoid white-fire-spirit-light, the Soul was split just like the atom into two identical parts, or Twin Flames: each with the same identical soul blueprint, but with different purposes. One Essence divided itself into two exactly equal and opposite intonations in order to experience form. The Twin Flames were created together, in the dawn of time, like the two faces of the same coin. But as the three-dimensional experience unfolded, they became separated by a dualistic system which pulled them into an unbalanced equilibrium, expressing itself through two extended and separated forms. The Yin Yang symbolizes the Twin Flames’ complementary sides: eternal love spiraling into infinity. The Color of this sublime Union is blue…a spiraling blue… Sometimes, we meet someone with the similar frequency of our Twin Flame and this brings a feeling of Oneness.

The Love between Twin Flames is a Gate of Possibility to experience Union in a multi-dimensional way.

It can also represent the prototype of the "sacred marriage" - a reflection of the sacred union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within the Source.

The Union of the Twin Flame is one of Service. It should not be romanticized in the context by which one perceives the male and female relationship. The Service of the Twin Flame is not only planetary but also cosmic and Universal.

The Twin Soul connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit / All That Is.

Two people connected by Soul, connected to God.

The spiritual connection with our Twin Soul is intense and profound.

Many may experience, whether consciously or in a dream state, a feeling of connection in the form of a matrix of golden white threads of light, because this connection continues to exist in various dimensions and frequencies, beyond the realms of duality.

Twin Souls may not unite physically here on Earth. The relationship may last many lifetimes on the spiritual level alone, while one or both may be living physically with another soul in karmic agreement.

They may not be together in this dimension, but they have not been truly apart.

Only when both original halves of the Twin Ray become strong pillars on their own, when both have healed and resolved their karmic ties in the present life; can they finally unite to fulfill their Divine Purpose.

The Breath of God is the force of Divine Action. Once the true Tonal Mates, the two parts of the Original Twin Flame, have come into union and are reunited through the Breath of God; NO element or energy from any octave, dimension, or frequency can shift the connection.

The reunion of the Keepers of the Flame is ultimately the Unification, or personification, of the Trinity: The Twin Flames and The Christ Consciousness.

See Also
Stellar Code Sirius

The reunion of these parts will bring back to the world an unconditional love and service to mankind, which will transcend all definitions of male/female unions on this planet.

Through this, we as souls can finally manifest the higher Dimensional Frequencies of Oneness.

This is the ultimate goal: the reunion with our Twin, to create and amplify the Harmonic Intonation of Completion and to be of service of all Sources of Goodness and Pure Light.

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© 2008 Humanity Healing. Partial Rights Reserved.

Music: Clannad (Enya), "I Will Find You"

Images: Google/Photobucket
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