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Starseed Activation 2: Hara Alignment

Starseed Activation 2: Hara Alignment

This procedure will allow different pods of Starseeds to activate themselves. At this time, a lot of Starseeds are not activated. Some just started the process of awakening. Nevertheless, their awakened energies are necessary to help anchor love and light to Mother Earth and all her Living beings.

There are different levels to the energy field in a body. The Auric Level is comprised of the seven commonly known Chakras of the Physical body. The Haric Level consists of the next seven Chakras of the Astral body. This, in turn, is followed by the seven Chakras of the Spiritual body.

The Hara Alignment (also referred to as Hara Attunement or Hara Activation) works both on the physical body to help bring into alignment anything that is out of place in your frame constitution, but also to reconnect you with your Divine essence at a soul level.

The Haric dimension of activation reaches a level that is deeper than the Auric dimension, so energy field and chakra system changes are bound to occur. These symptoms of these changes will be covered later in this course.

Aligning your Haric Level will align you with your life purpose. This attunement will make you able to access higher frequencies and will align you with your greater purpose and full knowledge of your Soul Contract. In addition, it will amplify your realm of perception.

eBook Information

This video is intended to be used in conjunction with the e-book by Humanity Healing titled Starseed Activation 2: Hara Alignment and its Addendix titled The Core Star Blessing.  These eBooks are available to Members only.  To join, visit Membership Signup.

Video Information

©2009 Humanity Healing.  Partial Rights Reserved.

See Also
Stellar Codes

Music: Luz da India by Coriolle

Images: Google/Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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View Comments (2)
  • It was disappointing to discover how late I’ve come to this site and its programs. How does one “catch up” once many of these courses and attunements have passed?

  • Want to work here, in a small state I live. Always thougth of this word Starseed, bu only now I have discovered your site and teachings.

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