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Eclipses and Energy Shifts

Eclipses and Energy Shifts


Total-Solar-EclipseSince the dawn of time, there are few astronomical phenomena that are as exciting to the human mind as an eclipse. In Karmic astrology, the lunar nodes are seen as the connections or invisible threads between the Soul and its numerous past lives.

In working with the energies surges of an Eclipse, some caution should be observed. Keep in mind that an eclipse is always a planetary cleansing process on a major scale, as well as an opportunity for a heavy duty Karma clearance on a personal level.

Free eBook

Humanity Healing is offering a free e-book on working with the energies of an eclipse.  To download, please register with the free membership (or join the University) and click:  Eclipses and Energy Shifts

Video Information

©2009 Humanity Healing. Partial Rights Reserved.

Music 1: Isabella Rajote, Chanting

Music 2 Daniel Kobialka, Moon Gazing on Interlunar Sea

See Also
Last Supper

Images: Google / Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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