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Stellar Codes Chiron and Orion Teleconference Recordings

Stellar Codes Chiron and Orion Teleconference Recordings

"I am a soul, I am a star of gold"
~ Pyramid Texts, Line 886-9
Circa 2500 BCE

Chiron is the archetype of The Wounded Healer.  The Stellar Code™ of Chiron instills a deeper understanding of the archetypal energies of Healing in our life journey, ,especially the Original Wound, the wound of Separation from our Divine Source.  Stellar Code™ Chiron is nothing less than a Stellar Gateway through which we must pass in order to Heal our Original Wound.  When we are able to fully integrate the reality that Healing does not come from us, we become more perfect Conduits of Compassion and Vessels of Divine Grace.

For more information on Stellar Code™ Chiron, or to watch the video, visit:

The Chiron Codex

The Stellar Code™ of Orion will open the possibility for one to be attuned with the proper vibration that facilitates you to connect with your records and by accessing your Akashic records; one can identify and release anything that one has created, that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God. Through this knowledge, one is finally able to heal abrasions of the reincarnational self. This is one of the most special aspects of the Orion Stellar Code: to liberate energies that got deposited and crusted along our energetic tissues, through the various journeys, incursions and excursions of our Souls through time, space and dimensions.

For more information on Stellar Code™ Orion, or to watch the video, visit: 

The Orion Codex

We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Stellar Code™ – Chiron and Orion 2010 Teleconference.  As promised, we are posting the recording of the teleconference for the benefit of those who could not attend. 

Please note that the window of time to receive the Chiron and Orion Attunements and Initiations – 2010 ends 04 January 2011.  If you are interested in receiving the Attunement and Initiation, please sign up for it in the Members Area of the Online University in the Menu at the top of the page.

For more information, visit: Stellar Code™ Mastership Program.

See Also

Teleconference Recordings

Stellar Codes™ Chiron and Orion Teleconference 2010 (click the link to listen)

Stellar Codes Chiron and Orion Teleconference 2010 12 05

Stellar Codes™ Chiron and Orion Teleconference 2010 Questions & Answers (click the link to listen)

Stellar Codes Chiron and Orion Teleconference 2010 12 05 Questions and Answers

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