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Chidananda: Shiva Mantra

Chidananda: Shiva Mantra

Chidananda: Shiva Mantra

Chidananda, according to Vedic tradition, this mantra is dedicated to Lord Shiva.  Lord Shiva is the consciousness facet of the Divine and the ultimate liberator of the attachments and illusions of Maya.

Chitt means the sense or the mind.  Ananda means happiness.

This phrase can be translated as the conscious mind immersed in total bliss.

Chidananda Mantra

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham

Manobuddhi ahamkara chita ni naham
Nachashotre jiv-hey nachaghrana netre
Nacha vioma bhoomir na tejoe na vayu

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham

Nachaprana saugno na vã puncha vayu
Navah sapto dhatoo navaa puncha koshah
Na waak pani paadam nachapasta paayu

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham

Na me dvãsha rago na me lobha mo-hoe
Mado naiva me naiva matsarya bhava
Na dharmo na chartoe na kaamo na Moksha

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham

Na punyam na paapam na saukyum na dhukham
Na mantro na tirtham name daa na yug na ha
Aham bhoja namnaiva bhojyam na bhokta

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham

Na mrootyur na shanka na me jaati bheda
Pita naiva me naiva maata na janma
Na bandhur na mitram gurunaiva shishya

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham

Aham nirvekalpo nirakaara roopo
Vibureviapya sarvatra sarvendriyani
Sadame samatvah na muktir na bandha

Chidananda roopah shivoham shivoham


I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

I am not the mind, intellect, ego, or re-consciousness. (Chitta)
I am not the ears, tongue, nose or eyes.(the five senses)
I am not space, earth, fire or the wind.

I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

I am not breathing (Prana) power, (Vayus).
The seven metals,  nor the five coverings(Pancha Kosha)
I am not speech, hands, feet nor the rectum.

I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

See Also

I am not envy, anger, nor craving, nor desires (kama), nor attraction.
I am not arrogance nor pride nor religion,
nor duty(dharma) health, lust nor liberation(moksha).

I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

I am not a virtue, vice, sin, joy nor sorrow.
I am not a mantra, pilgrimage, offering, nor ritual fire.
I am not food, the eating, nor the one who eats.

I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

I am not death, doubt, nor discrimination of cast.
I am not father, mother or birth.
I am not a brother, nor friend, nor guru, nor aspirant.

I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

I am beyond concept, beyond form.
I am all-pervading in all the senses.
I see equality in all things; I am neither liberated nor in bondage.

I am eternal bliss; I am Shiva.

Video Information

©2011 Humanity Healing.  Partial Rights Reserved.

Music: "Chidananda" by Deva Premal and Miten
Kind Courtesy of

Images:  Video Background, LLC
We Honor the Unknown Artists

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