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Interview with Liane Legey

Interview with Liane Legey

Liane LegeySpiritual Perspectives: Humanity Healing with Liane Legey

by Sara Vitale and Dawn Kaztin

Join Angel Boy Art's Sara Vitale and Soulgineering's Dawn Kaztin as we welcome Liane Legey to this week's Spiritual Perspecitves. We all have that aha! moment or event that turns our lives around. For Liane Legey those moments led to eventually becoming the Co-Founder of the Humanity Healing Network, the General Manager of the non-profit Humanity Healing International, and the Editor-in-Chief of OM Times Magazine.

After being the victim of a drunk driver and nearly losing her life, Liane was unable to move for months while her body mended. She made a commitment to God that if she recovered, she would complete the 14 Acts of Mercy, a set of precepts whose aim is to provide love and healing to humanity. Liane sees the materialization of Humanity Healing and her other projects as part of that Soul Contract.

Today on Spiritual Perspectives Radio, Liane will share how this one aha! moment changed her life, awoke her to her own spiritual perspectives and how she is using this knowledge to connect with individuals who share a similar dream of having ordinary people coming together to make a significant difference in this world.

See Also

Listen to internet radio with Sara Vitale and Dawn Kaztin on Blog Talk Radio
View Comments (2)
  • I’m listening to the recorded interview now. It’s great to hear about Liane’s “ah-ha” moment. Thank you for sharing. Namaste.

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