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The Awakening of The Cosmic Heart

The Awakening of The Cosmic Heart

We are in the most significant evolutionary transition that our species has ever encountered.
Gary Zukav

Reconnecting with the Cosmic heart (the Core Rainbow)

The Core Rainbow is the personification of the various manifestations and frequencies of The Cosmic Heart. The Core Rainbow Heart is the "universal essence" from which everything in the universe came into being.

The Way of the Heart, also known as "The Breath", is one of the most ancient Sacred Teachings of initiation designed to facilitate the ascension of the Human species

The energies that we can feel all over Our Mother Earth are pulsing in the same rhythm as our own hearts; we are all attuned with the multidimensional vibration of the Cosmic Heart. Our planet is constantly receiving attunements to align our energies with The Rainbow Core.

Its origin is located in the galactic center known as "The Central Sun". The awakening and alignment of the many dimensions of this Cosmic Heart with our own human frequencies are conditions to complete the shift we are all about to endure as a human race.

The purpose of Heart Awakening is to express and reconnect our relationship with the Divine. There is a need for clarity to spark and rekindle the glowing embers of the flame of love reconnecting with the Divine Flame of Life.

The way of the Divine Heart is related to the image of the flame of the Phoenix rising from the 'ashes' which is the Way of Eternal Truth; the Sacred Cosmic Heart Fire.

The re-coding of our DNA, which is the opening of other chakra centers in conjunction with the alignment from meridians, assists the chakra grids to harmonize the frequencies and rhythm of our awakened consciousness.

They are helping to broaden the opening of the connections of the path of the heart while also performing reconstruction of this same pathway; bringing back the Divine Spark of Light for the acceleration of evolution.

The breath of the heart imagery is composed by the continuing ascending and descending spirals which are the life-sustaining symbol of the entire universe.

Our Sacred Heart is different from our physical heart. This ever expanding energy from the Cosmic Heart is composed of pure creative energy comprised of chaste unconditional love. This is the original link with the Divine Christ Consciousness.

See Also
Zen Tales

The invocation and attunement with the Cosmic Heart energies are vital to the next step in our galactic ascension process.

The ultimate purpose to the awakening of these specific energies inside of the core of our Soul is to promote both inner and universal healing of Humanity and peace leading to Oneness and World Peace.

The straight knowledge that comes with the understanding and linking from the heart with this Cosmic Heart Beat, the Truth of your Being, your purpose and great mission in life, can be finally manifested.
This is a Copyrighted material
Liane Legey RAK at Myspace.

Humanity Healing Copyright 20 December 2007

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