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Compassion in Action – 2010 Walk of Inspiration

Compassion in Action – 2010 Walk of Inspiration

Annual Walk of Inspiration a GREAT SUCCESS!!!!!

Our deep Gratitude to Michael Green, the students of the Integrated Development Academy and the Community of Hervey Bay, Australia for their efforts in raising awareness and donations for Humanity Healing International.

The Integrated Development Academy raised $3,915 AUD for Humanity Healing International projects in Uganda.  Humanity Healing International guarantees that 100% of this wonderful outreach will be used on the projects in Uganda

“Every step taken for the well being of others, echoes in the heartbeat of humanity”

The concept of community no longer applies to our immediate neighbours and friends. Community has expanded on a global scale as awareness of other’s suffering effects our lives in ways never before experienced.  It is in our natural humanness we reach out in support and kindness to make the world a better place.

From Michael Green, Founder of the Integrated Development Academy:

Great news!! This year the Walk Of Inspiration has exceeded our hopes and aspirations of generating abundance, awareness and love. It is an honour to be able to contribute in this way towards Humanity Healing.

I have attached some scanned clippings from todays newspaper release. I am very humbled in gratitude by the genuine support and interest that has been extended to the event this year by Kerrie Alexander who is the News Editor of "The Observer, Hervey Bay".

Thank you to all participants and all of our sponsors who helped us achieve this amazing total. I would like to make particular mention of the following businesses who have generously supported the 2010 Walk Of Inspiration charity event. (Click on the name to visit their websites.)

Thank you to all of the families and friends connected to the Integrated Academy for all of the support and assistance, words could not express the feeling of gratitude that I have for you. Mahalo to Charlottemarie and Tzaella for their beautiful contributions of heartfelt inspiration, sound and song.

Thank you all once again for your personal contribution and support towards this event. Thank you for helping us in unity to co-create and share a strong ripple of kindness, generosity and compassion in this world.

~ With many blessings and with deep appreciation from Mick

Michael Green is in the process of creating a DVD & Photo disc package that will be available to anyone interested. (There will also be a 10 minute clip edited from the footage for upload into the Academy's YouTube page which will be attached here as soon as it is available.)

See Also

Our gratitude to Kerrie Alexander, News Editor of  The Observer, Hervey Bay for the incredible support and coverage.

Among the contributors was Belinda Green, who donated this art sketch, Nature's Little Nurturer for the auction.  You can see more of her work at:

“Every step taken for the wellbeing of others, echoes in the heartbeat of humanity”

The concept of community no longer applies to our immediate neighbours and friends. Community has expanded on a global scale as awareness of other’s suffering effects our lives in ways never before experienced.  It is in our natural humanness we reach out in support and kindness to make the world a better place.

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