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Axis Coeli – Axis Mundi Attunements

Axis Coeli – Axis Mundi Attunements

"the soul is immutable energy; it can never be destroyed; it can only be transformed." And through great cycles of evolution, we will inevitably realize that...there is absolutely nothing to transcend, but only all of Creation to unite with." ~Jeffery Wolf Green

There are two distinct phases for the complete Axiatonal Initiation and Attunement.  The first is the Axis Mundi and the second is the Axis Coeli.

The Axis Mundi reconnects and activates the Subpersonal Chakras, starting with the Earth Star Chakra, to the Earth.  A good analogy is grounding spike driven deep into the ground.

The Axis Coeli reconnects and activates the Transpersonal Chakras, starting with the Soul Star Chakra, with the Divine.  A good analogy is a lightening rod.

See Also

The Axis Mundi and Axis Coeli are connected by way of the Hara Line, which sits one level outside and above the seven physical chakras and forms a line from the Soul Star Chakra to the Earth Star Chakra and is anchored to the physical body through the Tan Tien.  A good analogy is the wire that connects the lightening rod to the ground spike.

The Axiatonal Initiation and Attunement is a Spiritual manifestation of Balance.  While these Attunements can be done at any time, there are times when they can be done more efficiently and less energy is required by the Teaching Master to make the initial connection.  This is particularly helpful when doing the Attunement for a large group of people.  The Axis Mundi Attunement is most effective when done on the Equinoxes.  The Axis Coeli Attunement is most effective when done on the Solstices.

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