The Historical Jesus and The Cosmic Christ

The Historical Jesus and The Cosmic Christ
Historical Jesus is a terminology that is referred to the attempts to reconstruct the historical proof of the existence of Jesus of Nazareth. Most contemporary scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, and most biblical scholars and classical historians see theories of their non-existence refuted in the most effective way. There is no evidence that writers of antiquity who opposed Christendom ever questioned the existence of Jesus.
The term “historical Jesus” therefore refers to the reconstruction of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This reconstruction is based on analysis of gospel texts, as well as those gospels which are not included in the Bible as the primary source for his biography. In addition, there are sources from other religion’s texts, such as in Jewish, Muslim or Hindu sources, along with consideration of the historical and cultural context in which he lived.
The Cosmic Christ is a term for the external Christ-consciousness. In esoteric Christian and Spiritual teachings, it is through connection to the Cosmic Christ, or Christ Without, through various spiritual practices and techniques that one can install and facilitate the growth of the Christ-consciousness within the individual, or the Christ Within.
The Historical Jesus of Nazareth was the focal point for and anchored on behalf of humanity, the Cosmic Christ in the world during his time of physical incarnation.
On 20 December, Humanity Healing University shared the first in a series of lectures and discussions on The Historical Jesus and The Cosmic Christ. The recording of this teleconference can be listened to by clicking the two links below. The balance of the Lecture series is reserved for Members of the Online University.
Historic Jesus and the Cosmic Christ 1 Teleconference 2010 12 20 Part 1
Historic Jesus and the Cosmic Christ 1 Teleconference 2010 12 20 Part 2
If you are interested in participating with the other eClasses in the series, please join us by clicking: Membership Signup