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Stellar Code – Sirius 2010 Teleconference

Stellar Code – Sirius 2010 Teleconference

Stellar Code Sirius Sirius 2010 Teleconference 2011

We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Stellar Code™ - Sirius 2010 Teleconference.  Stellar Code Sirius offers to the Travelers of the Sacred Path a new opportunity, regeneration and a correction to the internal compass of the Soul.  The Soul Light within us is ever increasingly aware of the spiritual light emanating from Sirius. This light is like no other; remember the first time you glimpsed the soul light, the brilliance, the beauty, the illumined truth it brought to the life. The spiritual light from Sirius is of such potency, it is beyond our comprehension initially.

Listen to the Stellar Code – Sirius 2010 Teleconference

As promised, we are posting the recording of the teleconference for the benefit of those who could not attend.  These are large files and take a few moments to load for streaming. The buttons will work after the files load.


Please note that the window of time to receive the Sirius Attunement - 2010 ends after 20 August.  If you are interested in receiving the Attunement and Initiation, please sign up for it in the Members Area of the Online University in the Menu at the top of the page.

For more information, visit:


Stellar Code™ - Sirius Teleconference


See Also

Stellar Code - Sirius Teleconference Questions and Answers


To learn more about the Stellar Codes, visit

View Comments (8)
  • Thank you so much for adding the links – it was lovely to be able to hear the teleconference – ( I missed it due to a bit of miscalculation about the time difference ) Thank you for all that you are giving to us ! Its a very clear recording!

    Love and light

  • We have added links to another location/media player to listen to the teleconference.
    Much Metta,
    HH Team

  • Same problem as Robb
    The buttons do not respond at all – normally when we click the cursor should turn into an hourglass but his does not happen at all. There is no change in the cursor when we click on the arrows. Do we have to wait and then click ? after how long since even after 10 minutes the cursor does not change into an hourglass.

    Love and light

  • The recordings are very large files and it may take a couple of minutes to load. Please be patient and the buttons will start to work when the files are ready.

  • Once again, I thank you both for this call. The recording sounds really clear.

    I am ‘stuck’ and need recovery. I unintentionally have gotten ‘into the fire’ so to speak; however, I am able to recover from this with the right Shaman.

    My draw towards you feels very right. In the meantime, thank you also for the GPS…I will stay grounded and living peacefully.

    Namaste, Lori

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