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9th Holy Day – January 3

9th Holy Day – January 3


The Zodiacal Hierarchy of Sagittarius

SagittarusDedication on January 3rd, and during the solar year of December, November 23rd-December 22nd, is to the Hierarchy of Sagittarius, the Lords of Mind. The cosmic pattern held by these glorious Beings is of Earth as a vast altarpiece made radiant by the golden aura of the supreme Light of the World.

Sagittarius operates through the sacral plexus, the body center located at the base of the spine. The spinal cord, which connects the sacral plexus with the brain, has been termed the “Path of Discipleship”.  When an aspirant lives a life motivated solely by pure and holy aspiration, the kundalini coiled within the sacral plexus awakens and then ascends through the spinal cord to the two spiritual organs located in the head, the pineal gland and the pituitary body. It is by this process that an individual’s mind becomes Christic.  Sagittarius is always symbolized by Light, the Light of spiritualized mind.

The Disciple that correlates to Sagittarius is Phillip. Before he found the Christ, he had no concept of what a spiritualized, or Christic mind would mean in his life as he was, essentially, a mentalist; but after the Christ Light was shed upon him he became worthy to be numbered among the Immortal Twelve.

When rightly appropriated and transmuted into soul values, the experiences of daily life become stepping stones by which an aspirant attains to atonement with the universal Divine Light, the Light that “lighteth every man who cometh into the world”. It was to such that the Master was speaking when He said:

Ye, are the light -of the world.
~ Matthew 5:14

This is the biblical seed thought for January 3rd and throughout the time that the Hierarchy of Sagittarius pours its vibratory rhythms upon the earth. Untold blessings await those who meditate upon its promise.

See Also


To participate with the Self-Intunement, visit: Affirmations of the Signs – Sagittarius in the Humanity Healing Community.


This information above is taken from the work of Corinne Heline, New Age Bible Interpretation, Vol. VII Mystery of the Christos: The Twelve Holy Days. ISBN 0-933963-07-6

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