Wesak Festival

Once a year, at the Vaisakha or Wesak Festival, the Lord Buddha, sanctioned by the Lord of the World, carries to the assembled humanity a dual stream of force, that emanating from the Silent Watcher, supplemented by the more focalized energy of the Lord of the World. This dual energy He pours out in blessing over the people gathered at the ceremony in the Himalayas, and from them in turn it flows out to all peoples and tongues and races.[1]
In mutual service to humanity, at Wesak the Buddha and the Christ bring about a linking that blends East and West, uniting the world's major religions in a shared holy day in which religious distinctions disappear. In the beautiful water ceremony of communion is portrayed the symbol of the new age which is upon us, the Aquarian Age, the age of the Water Carrier.
During the Wesak Festival the Buddha becomes the "absorbing Agent" of Will. He uses the magnetic power of Love-Wisdom to attract this force to Himself and hold it steady, prior to redirecting it. The Christ then ~ on behalf of the Hierarchy ~ becomes the "receiving Agent" of this potent energy and the groups of Masters Who work with the human and sub-human kingdoms (in response to His demand) become the "directing Agents" for the sevenfold expression of this force.
So around the Wesak Festival, expansions of consciousness are made possible that are not possible at other times. Those of goodwill are stimulated spiritually to take initiation, in order to penetrate more deeply and consciously into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. These reveal more about the wonder of our divinity, and about the Plan to which humanity is conforming. Each year, the Wesak marks the beginning of a cycle for the New Group of World Servers, which comprise three-year cycles of crisis, tension, and emergence.
At the Wesak Festival we may honor the Buddha, as well as ourselves, as dedicated transmitters of the energy that can be contacted at the full moon in Taurus. Each year as we experience the Wesak more consciously, it's important to hold the space for the inflow and distribution of energies, through safeguarding.