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The Karmic Board

The Karmic Board

The Karmic Board

In doing so, one will become aware of one’s mistakes and successes, and assimilate the lessons that have yet to be learned, what were one’s main virtues, and difficulties or defects that will have to overcome in future.

Through the process of evaluation, one will hear from the council their infallible judgment and deliberation; what is the real state of your vibratory rate and, hence, what country, city and Astral group one will remain with until the next incarnation; what school you should attend, what kind of training you should have, what work will have to run, how long you will be disembodied, who your parents and family in the next incarnation,  and what will be its future racial characteristics and nationality.

A more evolved soul will hear this sentence understanding that karma is not a law of retaliation, but rather an education, and the Karmic Board is the authorized agency, divinely empowered to judge and give new opportunities for development and enlightenment.

As the judges and the Karmic Board administer the individual karma, it also makes decisions regarding family, group, national and planetary Karma. They also oversee sanctions and amnesties to all levels. If required by karmic purposes, the Council will authorize collective cataclysms and disasters. They can deliberate to shorten or lengthen the life of those that are incarnated.

Take advantage of this day to establish your internal commitment to its truth and force in the external world, thus projecting outward the potential of your soul: Happiness, Harmony, Health, Abundance, and Achievements.

Attunement of the Month - Angelic Compassion Attunement

This is a great opportunity to present to the Karmic Board all your intentions related to planetary actions and humanity development; as well as to inform the Masters of the Karmic Board about your needs, your intentions and your new projects, asking for their serendipitous assistance and the transmutation of karma involved with every difficulty in your life.

See Also
Thought forms

It can be found in the Attunement section of the Online Resource Center in the pull-down menu above. University Members receive the Attunement of the Month free of charge. To sign up, visit Membership

[1] The Karmic Board meetings happen four times a year on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December. Planetary karma is the agenda of the Board Meeting on December 31, during the last meeting of the year.

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