The Oracle of Delphi – The Internal Journey

The challenge that we are trying to represent is not inside these organizations. The challenge rests with the seekers who look for these places in which to interact, and who are not prepared even to interact in other normal human environments, without the basic understanding of their own selves.
Internal peace and balance do not manifest from spiritual elaboration. They blossom from comportment improvement, or perfecting our behavior through practices such as tolerance, honesty, discernment, and personal maturity.
It is vital that we work internally on ourselves unceasingly, releasing trapped emotions, karmic mindsets, and ancestral conditioning in order to upgrade our energetic system to amplify and expand the increase of consciousness that accompanies the path of self-realization and enlightenment - the true internal journey as we know it.
The individual is responsible for the conflicts and miseries that exist within oneself, as they are also responsible for the false ideologies and limitations that prevent them from conquering their own fears. If there is no effort on our part to improve ourselves, how can we expect others to develop a sense of brotherhood and good will among human beings? As above so below, as inside so outside.
The internal work is an imperative step for those training themselves to be Light Workers and World Servers, because we are ultimately the reflection of our world. Our internal conflicts translate themselves as external disasters, and only we can solve them individually.
We are the mirror of our social group, our society, our planet.
On this journey inward, intellectual culture and personal maturity are the two pillars from which you may build your paradigm for success. As they grow stronger through increasing self-awareness, they are able to support a balanced mystical training