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What does it mean to be a Spiritual Chela?

What does it mean to be a Spiritual Chela?

Spiritual Discipleship

The Souls of people, on their way to Earth-life, pass through a room full of Lights; each takes a Taper, often only a spark, to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls are rare fortune, are detained longer and have time to grab a handful of Tapers, which they weave into a Torch. These are the Torch-Bearers of humanity, its Poets, Seers, and Saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, towards the Light. They are the lawgivers and the Saviors, the Light-Bringers, Way- Showers and Truth-Tellers, and without them, Humanity would Loose its way in the Dark...
~ Plato

In ancient times, the word Chela originally was meant to portray one that was a servant. But once you start following the path of self-realization, one that aspires to be a Chela becomes a disciple, a follower and student of a mentor or teacher; or even a follower of one or more of the ascended masters. The relationship between the master and his Chela is one of loving support, kindness and extreme compassion.

Individuals that aspire and desire the privilege to be a Chela of one of the Ascended Masters must be "obedient" to the Divine Laws, cultivate Mindfulness, and to develop the disposition and availability to discipline oneself in order to reach a path of self-transformation and enlightenment.

It may be a difficult path, but it is a path trailed by many Masters and Teachers before. It is one of the many manifestations of the Path of Service.

When the disciple is ready, the Master will appear and offer him the fruit of the Spirit, and the two will eat together with joy.
~ JJ Dewey

Many times the path of the initiate is a solitary path.  The real Chela, however, will never suffer from loneliness because once you start the spiritual path, you are connected with the Light and all the Beings that serve the Light within the Christ Consciousness and for the greater good of all.

The modern Spiritual Seeker, the Chela, does not need to become a recluse or to hide himself from the world in order to find the path of his ascension. The Master will need its Chelas to be in the world, performing different tasks, in different professional areas; but still working as a living example of his teachings. As Christ Jesus said: Be in the world, but don't be from the world.

To be a true Chela is to carry the true Light of Christ Consciousness. Light is perfection, plenitude and abundance of pure unconditional love. Perfection is not yet the pure vibration of this world; therefore, for the keepers of the Flame, the Chelas of the Divine Light, the dedication to service to others, the loving devotion to the Source of all creation, is what maintains the influx of Light coming to Earth.

The Path of Spiritual Progress is designed to enable one to be the best conduit for Divine Grace and a true vehicle of miracles.

See Also

One becomes a true Chela in order to bless the planet and heal humanity. The Chela is an physical embodiment of its Master.

Free eBook

Humanity Healing is sharing a free eBook on the Path of the Chela to all who would benefit from learning about it.

To download the free eBook, please register and click:  Spiritual Chela

Techniques, meditations, attunements and empowerments are available to Members of the University and can be found in the Online Resource Center section of the website.

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