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Stellar Code Polaris Teleconference Recordings

Stellar Code Polaris Teleconference Recordings

Francesco_Cozza_Urania_Humanity-HealingThe Mirror of Urania

“Urania, who knew all the courses of the stars, a revolving globe like the speckled form of Argos."
~ Nonnus, Dionysiaca 33

Urania, which stems from the Greek word for “heavenly” or “of heaven”, was, in Greek mythology, the Muse of astronomy. Some accounts list her as the mother of the musician Linus. She is usually depicted as having a globe in her left hand. Urania was able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars. She is often associated with Universal Love and the Holy Spirit. She is dressed in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens. Those who are most concerned with philosophy and the heavens are dearest to her.

Urania, or Ourania, was one of the nine Mousai, a daughter of Zeus by Mnemosyne; and sister of the goddesses of music, song and dance. In classical times, Urania came to be titled the Muse of astronomy and astronomical writings. In this guise she was depicted as a violet hair muse pointing to a globe with a rod. Urania is depected as dressed in a cloak embroidered with stars and with her eyes towards the sky.  Urania is the “heavenly muse” invoked in John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost[1].

Urania represents the guardianship of the sidereal ways, providing guidance and self-reflection to our divine Nature. The Stellar Code™ Polaris allows us to see ourselves through the images of her Mirror.

Stellar Code™ - Polaris

Stellar Code™ - Polaris is one of the Strands that make up the Cord of the Lightmaker.   It is made up of three Threads, or Empowerments: Polaris, Capella and Sirius.

The Polaris Empowerment represents a energy of Balance and a Unification of Polarities.  It also represents Divine Inspiration and a dispensation of Grace.  It is a strong energy that activates the Soul’s Sideral GPS, bringing discernment and entraining synchronicity with the changing rhythms of the Cosmic Waves.  Polaris awakens the inspiration of Soul’s Divine mission, opening its creative potential and generating the right grounds to enact the Soul’s Dharma.

The Capella Empowerment brings the vibrational energy of infinite fields of possibilities.  Its maternal protective frequency allows those that are integrating this code to overcome difficulties, to manifest the art of miracles and wonders in all aspects of their lives.

The Sirius Empowerment Symbol is a Master Symbol to empower the student in Blessings and the opening of windows of opportunities to receive direct assistance from the Higher Trinity: Mother-Father-Son.  This is a powerful icon because it brings down to the seeker the vibrational waves in their most pure crystalline form. Sirius anchors and allows the perfect flow of the Christ-Consciousness to be present in every single Blessings, Healing and Consecration.

Stellar Code™ Matrix Mastery Program

For those interested in the Program, please visit:  Stellar Code™ Mastership Program

Stellar Code™ Polaris Teleconference Recordings

As promised, we are posting the recordings for the teleconference for those who could not attend.  To listen, please click on the following:

Stellar Code Polaris Teleconference 2011 07 05

See Also
The Pleiades Codex

Stellar Code Polaris Teleconference Questions and Answers 2011 07 05

For those interested in participating with the Polaris Attunement and Initiation, you can register on the Member Discount Page in the University section of the website.


[1] Book VII line 1

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