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Planetary Action Meditation: When Natural Disaster Strikes

Planetary Action Meditation: When Natural Disaster Strikes

Planetary Action MeditationPlanetary Action Meditation: When Natural Disaster Strikes

Humanity Healing is participating in group meditations to transmute the energy of natural disasters to provide safety and healing to those in the path of danger.

Spiritual Activists and Workers of the Light place selfless service to others above personal wants. Please join us in this intercessory meditation to send Light to those in need.

"For to His angles He has given command about you, that they guard you in all your ways."
~ Psalm 91:11


Humanity Healing is sharing the an eBook to help in the event of a disaster.

Please register to download the free eBook:  Spiritual Preparedness Handbook

Video Information

Music1: Carmina Burana
Music 2: Memoria by Marcomé

See Also

Visual Art: Consciousness, Waters of Life & Stamen by Joseph Eagle,

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Ageless Wisdom

Humanity Healing Network is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. It was created to be an Educational Platform for Spiritual, Conscious, Sentient, Artistic & Creative Projects.


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