World Servers Festival Week

Alice Bailey describes a cycle of energies flowing into humanity every seven years during the week December 21 – 28. These energies augment and empower the energies naturally coming through the constellation Capricorn, initiating humanity into greater light. There will be a full moon on December 28 this year, creating an especially potent combination of energies.
Following on from the Festival week seven years ago, we have seen great political, social, and economic upheavals, alongside inspiring leadership from members of the New Group of World Servers. Examples include the Occupy Movement, the Arab Spring and the on-going focus, with varying success, on achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals and creating a new green economy in response to climate change and resource depletion.
In the outer world the presence of the New Group of World Servers can be seen in every movement bringing the awareness of oneness into expression in human affairs.
Yet at a deeper level the Group is a potent field of mind and heart qualified by purposeful, loving energies. It is from this viewpoint that we can see the Group as a living bridge of souls and servers.
In consciousness the New Group of World Servers reflects and bridges into higher realms of love and light and purpose. All cultures honor Great Ones on the inner side of life, Beings of Spiritual Compassion and Wisdom. It is again time to call on these sources of limitless love for inspiration and guidance as we work with creativity and joy to fulfill our human responsibilities in the birthing of an outer world that reflects the beauty and magnificence of that which lies within.
May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.
May the Love of the one Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.
May I fulfill my part in the one Work through self- forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.