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Can Your Nickname Influence Your Fortune?

Can Your Nickname Influence Your Fortune?


Can Your Nickname Influence Your Fortune?

Many of us received nicknames while growing up. Many of these names are terms of endearment from loved ones. Others came to be a word that brings a memory of a time or a significant event in our lives.

Can the Numerology of a Name Influence your Destiny?

Often the nickname we use creates problems that we may ignore. For example, the vibration of 5 is a problematic vibration for a child to carry because they make him feel rebellious against regulations, restraints. I can also make the child negligent about responsibilities. It may not accept limits, which significantly hampers their current and future personal development process. Child shocks and conflicts may occur with parents and educators.

The longer we use a nickname, the greater its influence in our life. That is why it is essential to analyze in-depth the nicknames we give to and receive from others.

It is essential to scrutinize the complete numerological map of an individual. Because an alias can be disharmonious, blocking our success chances. Either being compatible and beneficial, a nickname can give you the leverage of our potentials and achievements.

Many people are only known by their nicknames, not by their real names. This greater identification with the nickname than with the name generates influences on the numerology of the person. Learn how to calculate your nickname's vibration.


Some people have the nickname so remarkable powerful that we usually think they do not even match their real name. The tag in these people is so strong that they eventually determine traits of your personality.

See Also
Stellar Code Spica

Learn how to calculate the influence of the nickname on your personality.

Note: We remind our readers that we are dealing with the affectionate name when we speak of the nickname. They are tender names with which we call people like we call Antony, Tom and William, Bill.


The calculation of the nickname's influence is straightforward; each letter has a corresponding number according to the Pythagorean table. See the number of each letter of your nickname, reduce each of them until a number from 1 to 9 appears. See the example below:

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