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Stellar Code – Lyra Teleconference Recordings

Stellar Code – Lyra Teleconference Recordings

"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth - not going all the way and not starting."

The Stellar Code™ program was designed to help the seeker rebuild their Rainbow Bridge - the Antahkarana (their enlightened way) - to their Higher Self, Spirit and Godhead levels. While the Stellar Codes™ are not depended on the sequence of each individual Code, they all complement themselves in the higher vibrational weaving of the Antahkarana.

The idea that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit is not necessarily a rhetoric figure of speech; it is it is nothing more than the reality in how the energies and dimensions interact with each others. The symbol of the doors of the Temple having two columns is nothing more than the personification of our own inner temple, our Sanctus Sanctorum, from our inner planes of existence. As above, so below. While all that the stellar alchemy does happens in the etheric realms, it starts at the physical body and its immediate manifestations.

The Stellar Code™ - Lyra captivates many of the archetypical journeys of the Capricorn Constellation, along with the constellations surrounding it. We are able to perceive the influence of the stars as a guides and facilitators in the diverse and necessary processes of transformations of our human soul-experience.

We would like to thank everybody who participated with the Stellar Code™ – Lyra 2011 Teleconference.  As promised, we are posting the recording of the teleconference for the benefit of those who could not attend. 

Please note that the window of time to receive the Lyra Attunements and Initiations – 2011 ends 04 February 2011.  If you are interested in receiving the Attunement and Initiation, please sign up for it in the Members Area of the Online University in the Menu at the top of the page.

For more information, visit: Stellar Code™ Mastership Program.

Teleconference Recordings

(click the link to listen)

See Also

Stellar Code - Lyra Teleconference 19 January 2011

Stellar Code - Lyra Teleconference 19 January 2011 Questions and Answers

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