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The Dark Night of the Soul

The Dark Night of the Soul

In dark night live those for whom
the world without alone is real; in night
Darker still, for whom the world within
Alone is real. The first leads to a life
Of action, the second to a life of meditation.
But those who combine action with meditation
Cross the sea of death through action
And enter into immortality
~ The Upanishads

The "Dark Night of the Soul" sounds threatening and an experience to be avoided.

To one engaged in the dark night, the suffering seems unending.

Yet many seekers would encourage the dark night experience if they knew what it truly was.

This experience is related to the shaman's descent to the underworld as well as the archetypal journey of the wounded healer.

The genuine seeker has gone through many significant phases as they progress toward higher consciousness.

The dark night occurs after considerable advancement along this Path.

It is a passage for those who do not seek just relationship but immersion or unity in the higher consciousness.

In the dark night you feel profoundly alone.

Your night is a very difficult time.

Being caught between the old way of life and the new possibilities, your sense of alienation will intensify.

You enter the dark night in earnest when you feel completely stranded.

The dark night is a very private matter.

Often, one's outer demeanor is calm while the turbulence and vibrational shift arising from the inner suffering is just below the surface.

One becomes profoundly aware of the suffering of humanity and the cruelty of individuals to each other.

One may feel that cruelty and negativity far outweigh love and constructive action.

And then, the transition point is reached and the shift in consciousness occurs.

Carl Jung wrote that when the soul embraces and accepts suffering, the pain reveals itself as the birth pangs of a new inner being.

A holy presence comes into your inner sanctum - sweetly, softly and gently.

Your mind is filled with mellow or bright light.

Your heart is permeated with Peace which flows outward through your body.

Your ego dissolves and a higher sense of awakening opens within you.

See Also
Stellar Code Spica

"The birth of the Self is always a defeat for the ego."
~ Carl Jung

The dark night has passed. It is over.

The Dark Night of the Soul is a process of transformation. One connects to a greater suffering beyond the self and is distilled. The ego loses power and fades and the Soul gains ascendency in the body.

Music 1: Peter Gabriel, "The Feelings Begin"

Music 2: Peter Gabriel, "With This Love"

Images: Google & Photobucket

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