Esoteric Meaning of the Twelve Holy Days

It is said through an old legend that Moses was instructed and initiated at the great Mystery School of Heliopolis, near the holy city of Memphis. Not surprisingly, therefore, the symbol of the “Winged Splendor”, has remained in the Jewish tradition and related areas of the Middle East, as we witness the Prophet Malachi stating that "the sun will rise with Fairness salvation in his wings [or: in its rays]" (Malachi 3:20).
Thus, the route along the solar year marks the “initiatory steps” of the route of Christ and at the same time, marks the focal points of the liturgy throughout the year, in reference to the cyclical “evidence” because it has to expand all humans on their evolutionary path.
When the Sun, on 21 December, enters the astrological sign of Capricorn, a sign ruled by Saturn - hence the Saturnalia, the powers of darkness somehow take control of the “Giver of Life”, but cannot maintain and give it up for rebirth after three days of arrested motion. Solstice is derived from “sol”, or the sun, and “stitium” or “sister”, meaning to halt or stop. Therefore, the 25th marks the end of the solstice cycle.
December 26th begins the second round of special initiations: between the 26 December, the 1st Holy Day, and 6 January, the 12th Holy Day, were realized the rituals of preparation where the catechumens[4] were baptized at Epiphany, which is the First Initiation.
These "Twelve Holy Days', accompanying the initial phase of the revival of “Invincible Sun” were like a summary of the zodiacal year following, and, as already noted, were under the protection of the Celestial Hierarchies that traditionally govern the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
[1] Corinne Heline, New Age Bible Interpretation, vol. V, 5th ed. revised, New Age Press, 1984. pp. 87-88.
[2] The Chronography of 354, also known as the Calendar of 354, was a 4th century illuminated manuscript, which was produced in 354 CE for a wealthy Roman Christian named Valentinus. It is the earliest dated codex to have full page illustrations. None of the original has survived. The term Calendar of Filocalus is sometimes used to describe the whole collection, and also sometimes just the sixth part, which is the Calendar itself. Other versions of the names ("Philocalus", "Codex-Calendar of 354") are occasionally used.
[3] Corinne Heline, New Age Bible Interpretation, vol. VII: "Mystery of the Christos' 6h printing. New Age Press, 1988. pp. 8-19
[4] In ecclesiology, a catechumen, from Latin catechumenus, is one receiving instruction from a catechist in the principles of the Christian religion to (or “intending to”) baptism. The title and practice are most often used by Orthodox Christians and by Roman Catholics.