The Use of Floral Medicine for Emotional Healing
Flower Essences: Beech, Chicory, Holly, Pine, Vervain, Vine
Negative: too emotional, possessive love.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Relates to the pancreas and nourishes the stomach, liver, the gallbladder, spleen and sympathetic nervous system.
Color: yellow
It is located at the waist
Internal Appearance: Personal Power
Flower Essences: Aspen, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Mimulus, Rock Water, Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Walnut, Willow.
Positive: flexibility openness to change.
This center governs the freedom, power, control, self-definition, intellect, acceptance and vision. It is the headquarters of the fears, anxieties and hatreds. It includes karma, charity, good and bad Company and service to others.
Negative: knotted, fear of letting things manifest themselves.
Heart Chakra
Relates to the thymus and nourishes heart, blood, the vagus nerve[1] and the circulatory system.
It is the center in which we feel love, the impulse to give, to relate the acceptance, personal and universal love, and detachment.
Color: Green
It is located in the middle of the chest.
More developed heart chakras produce a combination of green and pink colors, as it expands and upgrades its geometric patterns.
Internal Appearance: Love
Flower Essences: Aspen, Centaury, Holly, Walnut, Willow, Wild Rose.
Positive: compassion, intuition, loving, giving. The attachment and detachment scale, forgiveness, not blaming attitudes.
Negative: flinty heart, closed, despair, apprehension.
Throat Chakra
Directly related to thyroid and bronchial system, and vocal apparatus feeds; the lungs and the alimentary canal.
Color: Light blue
It is located in the throat.
Internal Appearance: Communication and Will. Center of expression and communication on the manifestation aspects: what is spoken happens. Understand nonverbal messages listens intuition.
Flower Essences: Beech, Cerato, Gentian, Gorse, Larch, Heather, Rock Water, Scleranthus, Wild oat
Positive: reason, logic, flexibility, verbalizing wishes for the world. Headquarters of abundance and prosperity, the way we act in life. Through this chakra we learn to be receptive and let things flow without creating conditions that would prevent you from enjoying the experience of life.
Negative: rigidity, prejudice, rejection of the point of view of others.
Brow Chakra or Third Eye
Relates to the pituitary gland and nourishes the bottom of the brain, left eye, ears, nose, and nervous system.