Aromatherapy for Emotional Wounds

Aromatherapy for Emotional Wounds
Use Aromatherapy to Deal with Emotional Wounds
Aromatherapy to Deal with Emotional Challenges
Aromatherapy can be an effective treatment for emotional wounds and challenges. Did you know that aromas can heal? See below how Aromatherapy treats emotional problems and emotional wounds. Essential oils help reduce states of insomnia, anxiety, and stress. Our day-to-day challenges, goal settings at work, and even disagreements in relationships can trigger emotional imbalances. We can suffer from insomnia, stress, and anxiety at an alarming rate. But we can reduce emotional discomforts by using essential oils. Aromatherapy can be a natural and straightforward option to add to your routine.
Learn how to use Aromatherapy to deal with emotional challenges. It can be useful to gain peace of mind and restorative sleep.
Aromas to Heal Emotional Wounds
When we inhale an essential oil, the scent trails into our brain through our limbic system, which handles many aspects of our behaviors and emotions. The limbic system supports various functions, including emotion, behavior, motivation, and long-term memory. We find that all the discomfort in the face of life challenges has emotional roots. Aromatherapy has the power to soften them, harmonizing what is an imbalance, and restoring the sense of equilibrium and peace. To use the essential oils listed below, drip a drop (or use combinations that I explain below) into the personal diffuser and use daily 2 to 3 hours. If you do not have your own diffuser, you can drip 1 drop of the oil into a cloth or paper wipe and keep it close to you, also for 2 to 3 hours.
Essential Oils to Combat Stress
Suppose your daily challenges have increased your level of stress. In that case, citrus oils are the right solution, such as sweet orange and Bergamot. Sweet orange helps to organize your thoughts, decrease anxiety levels, and gives the command "do one thing at a time." Carry a tissue with a drop of citrus of your choice, use it daily, or drip two drops on your aromatic necklace.
It is important to note: some citrus essential oils are photosensitive and can stain the skin. Avoid direct exposure to the sun.
Essential Oils to Control Anxiety
In the case of anxiety, a complaint prevalent these days, use some of these oils:
Cedar: heater and protector, helps in the transformation of negative emotions, promoting balance and relaxation. Excellent for increasing mental focus and self-confidence. Neroli: One of the best anxiolytic oils in Aromatherapy. It relieves states of fear and depression and can help release repressed emotions. Ylang Ylang: soothing, promotes relaxation, and balances emotions. Suitable for controlling negative feelings of fear, frustration, and anger, helping the person focus, and opening more to understand their feelings.
Lavender: is soothing and relaxing. It helps in all states of anxiety, balances the body and mind, and deflates high emotions. Carry a tissue with a drop of citrus of your choice, use it daily, or drip two drops on your aromatic necklace.
Aromatherapy for Sleeplessness
The lavender essential oil helps bring relief to insomnia and is easy to find. It helps to relax and calm the mind. Place an oil drop onto your pillow or tissue and leave it close to you. Another tip is to do a scalding foot with warm water and two drops of lavender before bed. Remember that some essential oils have contraindications, and some have side effects. We highly recommend you consult with an aromatherapist. This professional will help you choose the best and the most appropriate oil of use to your life moment.
Aromas the Treat Emotional Wounds and Problems
The fragrances can reach our brains' deepest regions in the hundredths of a second and evoke memories of the past or arouse immediate emotions. This is because olfaction is the closest to the region of the brain linked to the feelings: the limbic system. The aroma activates our hypothalamus. This ends in producing hormones that control our body's functions, such as behavior, appetite, mood, and good mood.
Another region of our brain, the hippocampus, is the region that also handles our olfactory memory. It manages the unleashing memories in our minds linked to an aroma. These olfactory memories are permanent. Through Aromatherapy, we can rescue or soften emotional states attached to these memories.
How Aromas Work in Treatment
There are essential oils in Aromatherapy that can clear old feelings attached to our olfactory memory. Some of these feelings may be contaminating our life with uncertainty and fear. Most diseases originate in our deepest emotions: anger, imbalance, anguish, heartache, resentment, traumas, and many others. Aromatherapy puts us in touch with these emotional problems to understand where it comes from, softening and healing them.
As you can see, it is not a simple treatment. It is as effective as a therapy, for example. Aromatherapy will make you revisit difficult situations of your life that had caused you emotional problems. It can also help you to understand them and heal them (or at least soften them).
Usually, Aromatherapy is an auxiliary therapy to help the understanding of emotions and treatment of emotional problems. How to use: Put 2 drops of one of the essential oils into your personal essential oil diffuser daily. You can also dribble the same amount on your pillow or sheet 30 minutes before bedtime.
A fragrance that Relates to Anger
During our life, we may accumulate anger over someone, some subject, or some past situation. This accumulated anger is going to become bitterness. When we come across problems involving that person or circumstance, we lose control. We may explode in rage, and we do not know how to control it. If anger is a normal emotion in your life, you may want to use the following emotional oils:
Lavender essential oil: Balances the emotions and provides a state of immediate calm.
Mint Essential Oil: Controls emotions, increases patience, tolerance, and decreases irritability.
Chamomile essential oil: Powerful soothing, relieves the anguish, bitterness, constant irritation, deep sadness, and depression.
Using aromatherapy to Release Emotional and Physical Traumas
Traumas are severe emotional wounds, which can happen at any time and leave traces that are often triggered in our daily lives.
To reduce emotional or physical injury, please use: Vetiver essential oil: it is an oil that increases self-confidence, self-esteem, and determination. It brings the courage to face challenges, removes blocks. Once we put our feet on the ground, giving us better structure and flexibility.
Benzoin essential oil: this oil brings a welcoming feeling to the moments of desperation caused by the trauma. It helps restore calm, leads back to the axis, relieving pains and emotional wounds.
Aromas that Help Release Feelings
Many people find it difficult to say what they think, expose their feelings, and get choked up. These difficulties are terrible for their emotional health. When we cannot reveal our emotions, we may develop the digestive system's problems, such as gastritis, heartburn, and reflux. See the aromas indicated for relief and treatment of this problem.
Lemongrass essential oil: This oil helps control emotions when we face situations that suffocate us. It allows us to be calm to express ourselves, to get the feelings out, makes us not "swallow a frog." This essential oil helps us express anger and irritability in a weighted way.
Pine essential oil is an oil that favors communication, open dialogue, respect, and understanding between people. Patchouli's essential oil breaks the stiffness of thought, breaking the stubbornness of obsessive thought patterns. Helps avoid repetitive forms of behavior that lead to difficulty in expressing yourself.
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The article was originally posted on OMTimes