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Third Holy Day – December 28

Third Holy Day – December 28


The Zodiacal Hierarchy of Gemini

GeminiThe dedication for December 28th and through the solar month of June is to the Hierarchy of Gemini. The cosmic pattern held by this Hierarchy for the earth is that of great peace, the peace which “passeth all understanding” and which will be the heritage of the coming Christic Race.

The characteristics to be cultivated during the Gemini period are the peace and poise which Saint Paul attained which enabled him to say, “None of these things [of the outer world] move me.” And thus sings the psalmist of the highest Gemini attributes: “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.”

Gemini rules the hands. These are to be visualized as flower centers: fragrant, luminous and endowed with the precious gifts of healing and of bestowing benediction.

The Disciple correlated with Gemini is Thomas. So intimately did he become identified with the Christ that his doubts, natural to the mortal mind, were transcended by a dynamic realization of the Christic powers previously latent within himself. Many and wondrous were the miracles he performed following this transformation.

The biblical seed thought for meditation on December 28th and during the solar month of June, May 22nd to June 22nd, is :

Be still, and know that I am God.
~Psalm 46: 10

See Also

Aspirants are instructed to meditate upon the deepest meanings of this passage during the whole period that the vibratory rhythms of Gemini permeate the earth planet.


To participate with the Self-Intunement, visit: Affirmations of the Signs – Gemini in the Humanity Healing Community.

This information above is taken from the work of Corinne Heline, New Age Bible Interpretation, Vol. VII Mystery of the Christos: The Twelve Holy Days. ISBN 0-933963-07-6

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