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When in Crisis, Activate Your Spiritual GPS

When in Crisis, Activate Your Spiritual GPS

When circumstances leave you feeling energetically lost, or when you need to enter a situation where others are feeling lost, you need to activate your Spiritual (or Soul) GPS™ - Ground, Protect and Shield.

Ground, Protect and Shield!

Disasters impact lives and the dimensions that express life:

  • the physical - a destroyed home or bodily injury,
  • the collective - disrupted relationships and routines,
  • the psychological – both intellectually and emotionally, and
  • the spiritual - searching for meaning and connectedness.

As volunteer agencies and individuals, we should be prepared to address each disaster with the resources we have. It is in our working collaboratively and cooperatively that we may be better able to respond more holistically to the needs of Individuals and communities impacted by disaster.

See Also
Pythagorean Exercise

Humanity Healing has compiled a free ebook called the Spiritual Preparedness Handbook which highlight Spiritual Care broadly in disaster response and recovery. The ebook shares how emotional and spiritual care may overlap, shares additional ideas and thoughts on emotional care and spiritual care respectively, and offers some basic resources to promote immediate response and planning which can be shared as appropriate.

Free eBook

Please register to download the free eBook:  Spiritual Preparedness Handbook

View Comments (2)
  • I need to know if you can connect me with a reference in the Northern WA state area that may be able to help me heal serious trauma that I am trying to release. Parasites? Maybe so.

    Thank you once again for your interesting conference call.

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Ageless Wisdom

Humanity Healing Network is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. It was created to be an Educational Platform for Spiritual, Conscious, Sentient, Artistic & Creative Projects.


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