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Oneness Blessing for 10-10-10

Oneness Blessing for 10-10-10

oneness-blessing_Humanity-HealingPlease join us in sending out your intention for Oneness on 10-10-10 by reading, sharing with your friends and meditating on the following prayer for universal enlightenment within humanity.

There is only ONE Earth.  There is only ONE Humanity.

Dear Heavenly Father and Universal Mother,
If it be in accordance with your will,
I pray that this new age in human history
be a time of spiritual renaissance,
a "Second Enlightenment" that will heighten values
and help everyone to realize their true purpose in life.
I pray for peace and justice, and love and light.
I pray for an abundance of beauty, truth and goodness
in the lives of all the inhabitants of this troubled world.
May there be harmony, sustainability, and evolutionary progress
in the physiosphere, the biosphere, and the noosphere.
Thank you for this gift of consciousness, dear God.

Prayer by Steve Mcintosh

Video Information

©2010 Humanity Healing.  Partial Rights Reserved.

See Also
karmic footprint

Narration:  Kelly Anne Tearney
Music:  Aeoliah, "Shamballa Throat Center"

This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.  We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.  In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

View Comments (6)
  • If you please, I have heard quite a bit about uniting and aligning in prayer and positive meditation and your “Oneness Blessing” tomorrow. I am in alignment that ANY “time” is a good time for such focus and celebration, YET,I am not clear on the significance of the date, other than a numerical coincidence, or some superstition. Would someone kindly clarify why this date more than another is “more” significant?

    Thank and Bless YOU!

    ~ Jay

    Querido Pai Celestial e Mãe Universal, se estiver conforme a Tua vontade, faço esta prece para que esta nova era na história humana seja um tempo de renascimento espiritual, uma “Segunda Iluminação” que elevará valores e ajudará todo o mundo a perceber seu verdadeiro propósito na vida. Eu oro por paz e justiça, amor e luz. Eu rezo por uma abundância de beleza, verdade e bondade nas vidas de todos os habitantes deste mundo atribulado. Que haja harmonia, sustentabilidade e progresso evolutivo na fisiosfera, biosfera e noosfera. Agradeço por este presente de consciência, querido Deus. Amém. Namastê.
    (Celebração 10-10-10, organizada por Humanity Healing, Oração por Steve Macintosh,, tradução para o português: Rômulo Grandi)

  • Is it possible to make the videos into downloadable mp3 files so I can listen to them on my I-Pod?

  • I call for all mankind to begin to see that we are all the same and boundaries between us should be abolished. I call for humanity to have full compassion for one another and realise how magnificent each one is and how lucky we are to have life. I call for peace and love for this beautifull living planet which is our home and has given us beauty and aboundance.

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Humanity Healing Network is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. It was created to be an Educational Platform for Spiritual, Conscious, Sentient, Artistic & Creative Projects.


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