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Energy Cords

Energy Cords

What are Aka Cords?

Aka Cords are types of energy cords; their constitutional element is a threading of different levels of energy, but of a higher vibrational level, like those with the element Akasha[1]. These weaved threads can grow to be very strong cords during longer relationships, interactions, attunements or through strong emotional exchange.

With the Aka Cords, one can easily say that during an attunement what is being built is a connective relationship in you with the source of the energies and the functions you are being attunened to. It is an etheric connection, but it is as real as it can be.

The Aka Cords connect the Higher Selves and lower selves and other high spiritual sources, through them, we also receive information send prayers convey and receive healing.

Inside the Huna tradition, when creating strong cords between your three selves is the way that energy and information is transmitted to and from your Higher Self and Spiritual Source and is the key to manifesting and “having your prayers answered”.

We are connected through Aka Cords to all that is and all manifestations of God’s Grace. These “invisible” cords can bond us to people, places and things. Aka means mirror, reflection or essence. Many of these cords are Divine and pure, and play out in our lives as beautiful, harmonious relationships, a strong affinity for a place we reside in or have visited, or favorite material things that evoke a strong sense of love and appreciation in us.

Other Types of Energetic Cords

Different types of Cords are also are portrayed on pp. 183-202 of Barbara Brennan's "Light Emerging" book:

See Also

"There are five types of these cords - soul cords, cords from past life experiences, genetic cords (connection to birth parents), parental relationship cords, and cords for relationships with others.  Since these cords are formed on the fourth aura layer and higher, the cords remain intact "before and beyond three dimensional physical spaces". Once they are made, these cord connections never dissolve, although it is possible that they could sustain damage, or get tangled, or "dirty".

Not all the energetic cords are good or bad exclusively. There are cords that are created from relationships that are not necessarily serving to our higher good, and those may have to be server in one time or another in our lifetimes."

[1] In Hinduism Akasha means Base and the essence behind all that is manifested; the primal source from where everything originated from. It is one of the Panchamahabhuta, or one of the five elements.  Its major characteristic is to be Shabda meaning Vibration or sound. In Hindi the meaning of Akasha is Heaven.

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