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Antahkarana Expansion

Antahkarana Expansion

Silver-cord_Antahkarana_Humanity-HealingMost of those walking the Spiritual Path know of the concept of Antahkarana. It is a Bridge of Light that connects the Individual to its Soul, or Higher Self. When we are born, the Soul sends forth its Extension with a thread maintaining the connection. This thread is the Silver Cord, also known as Sutrama. Tradition teaches us that this thread is more or less the diameter of your thumb. Through this connection, you receive the guidance and the "breath of life" that keeps you going in your terrestrial life. Spiritually, we can greatly enhance the connection and communication with our Soul and other parts of the Self through the expansion of the Sutrama, through the building of the Antahkarana, or our way back to source.

Antahkarana is also known as the Rainbow Bridge and it is a fundamental step of progress on our spiritual path, especially because the building of the Antahkarana dilates the Sutrama from its original thumb-size diameter, upgrading its dimensions to be the diameter of your head.

The Antahkarana will develop naturally over the years as a result of a regular spiritual practice.  It is possible, however, to consciously speed up the process.  This is at the heart of the Stellar Code™ teachings.  Another means is through specific meditative practices and attunements.

antahkarana-healing-symbol_Humanity-HealingThe importance of this attunement is determined by the intensity of the clearing of the Central Channel and dilatation of the original sutrama, transforming it into Antahkarana. This greatly amplifies the resonance of the information, guidance and nurturing of Divine Light into our physical embodiments. This Attunement retrocedes to your period of conception and it is intense enough to sweep away though your life events (pass, present and future) helping you to clear, heal and release anything and everything that prevents you from embodying, anchoring and grounding spiritual energy from your God-Self into your physical, etheric, emotional and mental energy bodies, fields, parts and particles.  The activation and clearing of the Antahkarana is an energy that comes from the Creator directly to help you to build the Rainbow Bridge of Light to connect your personality with your Soul. It can be repeated through the repetition of the Inttunement exercises, as part of incorporated program of spiritual practices.

The building of the Central Channel is an important part of the spiritual awakening process because it is through this channel that the energy of Kundalini will travel and manifest. It is easy to read the descriptions in the books about Kundalini Awakening and the union of Shiva and Shakti, and to want to have this immediately.

This attunement transmission will empower your God Self to streamline and reorganize your four lower bodies as well as to do so periodically in the future whenever it is required for optimal well-being and functioning of the four lower bodies.

See Also
The Essene Healing_1-humanityhealing

Humanity Healing is offering the Antahkarana Expansion Attunement as part of the Monthly Attunements offered to all Members of the University. Members can download the Attunement eBook in the Monthly Attunement section of the Online Resource Center.  There is also a special Visualization Video in the Video section.

Non-members that wish to participate can sign up in the Attunement of the Month section in Services in the pull-down menu above.  If you wish to join the University, please visit: Membership

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