Meaning of Tarot Cards – The Major Arcana

The Moon
Positive Aspects: Platonic love, inspiration, disappointment is found before harm
Adverse Aspects: Disillusionment, depression, disappointment, be closed, error, danger
The Sun
Positive Aspects: Satisfaction, heat, success, love, joy, happy marriage, happiness, abundance
Adverse Aspects: Sadness, fatal love, lack of friends
The Aeon (or The Trial)
Positive Aspects: Wake up, reappear, and change for the better, clearer thinking, improvement, promotion, rewards
Adverse Aspects: Fear of death, trials and legal issues, poor health, disappointment, theft
The Universe (or The World)
Positive Aspects: Perfection, love, warmth, life, happiness, success, triumph, eternal life, recognition, honors
Adverse Aspects: Imperfection, lack of vision, disappointment