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Reincarnation, Transmigration of Souls, and Methempsicose

Reincarnation, Transmigration of Souls, and Methempsicose

The teachings also speak about the creation of an image of the created in heaven.  This belief  is similar for all the beings of creation. Before they can experience their existences individually, all the beings experience the unity with all in a sacred abode. This is said to be one of the mysteries of the Kabbalah (Zohar III page 82, 83).

According to their teachings, the transmigration of the souls is a process delivered as a punishment, making the soul repeat the cycles of experience, until it can reach the sixth degree, a specific vibrational place, from where its perfect image or blueprint emanates. It is also said that a soul that has conquered the seventh level of the sacred abode will no longer have the need to reincarnate ( Zohar, II and La Cabbale, page 110).


[1] The Pythagorean doctrine of the transmigration of souls: Xenophanes mentions the story of his Master Pythagoras interceding on behalf of a dog that was being beaten, professing to recognize in its cries the voice of a departed friend. Pythagoras is supposed to have claimed that he had been Euphorbus, the son of Panthus, in the Trojan war, as well as various other characters, a tradesman, and  a courtesan.

See Also

[2] For more information on transmigration in Pythagorean philosophy, please read Wandering Souls: The Doctrine of Transmigration in Pythagorean Philosophy by James Luchte

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